
The sacramental rite is in which the candidates "express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop" (BCP, p. 860). Those who were baptized at an early age and those baptized as adults without laying on of hands by a bishop are expected to make a mature public affirmation of their faith, recommit themselves to the responsibilities of their baptism, and receive laying on of hands by a bishop (BCP, p. 412). Adults baptized with the laying on of hands by a bishop are considered to be confirmed.


Children in 8th grade are eligible candidates for Confirmation. Confirmation classes are taught weekly during the Christian Education period. If you are interested in participating in Confirmation or having your child Confirmed in the Episcopal Church, please reach out to our Priest-in-Charge, Rev. Anthony Puca, via e-mail at or by calling the Church Office at (201) 664-2428.